If you want information about your specific health plan, please visit the Aetna secure member website.
If you want information about your specific health plan, please visit the Aetna secure member website.
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many health plans now cover most preventive screenings at 100 percent.
If you’re not sure which screenings are right for you, check out the handy tool on the right. Just plug in your age and gender. It will show you which screenings you need.
In most cases, you may have to visit a doctor in the network to get the services fully covered. That means they’re part of a group of providers with whom we’ve contracted to get the best rates.
Knowledge is power
If you’re already on the road to good health, then happy trails to you. If you’re not so sure or need a little help getting there, then take this fun, short quiz. It can help arm you with information to keep you – and your loved ones – healthy.
Save on weight loss programs and meal plans
Need help meeting your weight-loss goals this year? With our discounts, you can save on some popular programs.
Get discounts on gym memberships and fitness products
Our fitness discounts through GlobalFit® can help you save. Choose from thousands of gyms in their nationwide network.
Start saving today!
To get these and other discounts* just log in to the secure member website at www.aetna.com. Choose “Health Programs.” Then select “See the discounts.”
*Discount programs are not insurance. They provide access to discounted prices only. The member is responsible for the full cost of the discounted services. Aetna may receive a percentage of the fee you pay to the discount vendor. This information is believed to be accurate as of this newsletter production date; however, it is subject to change.
Member ID cards are going digital.*
Beginning January 1, 2016, you can get your ID cards online. Your digital card is exactly the same as your physical card. You’ll also get a plastic card.
Shifting to digital means:
Your card is readily available on your smartphone.
You don’t have to wait for a card to arrive.
Your personal information is more secure — you won’t have a plastic card to lose.
How to get your digital card:
Aetna Navigator®: Visit Aetna.com. Select “Log In” or “Register.” Then, look for the ID card section on your secure member website.
Aetna Mobile: Download the free Aetna Mobile App from your smartphone’s app store. Search “Aetna.” Register or log in with your Aetna Navigator password. Visit the ID card section.
Aetna.com mobile web: Go to the mobile version of your secure member website. Register or log in there.
We’re here to help!
Just call the Member Services number on the back of your regular card.
* Note: If you have a Medicare or Coventry plan, this change does not apply to you.
How can you take the surprise out of health care costs?
It’s simple. Make sure you know what you pay
and what your health plan pays.
Watch the helpful video
You’ll learn about your out-of-pocket costs.
(Hint: Do copays, deductibles and coinsurance
sound familiar?) And when you pay them.
To watch it, log in to your secure member website at www.aetna.com. Go to the Coverage & Benefits section. Then select the video, “Learn the basics about your plan” under the Medical category.
Get the care you need for less – use our online tools
Our helpful video also introduces you to three key member tools that help you plan ahead and save. Once you get to know them, you’ll use them all the time.These tools are also available on your Aetna Mobile app.
Find in-network doctors, dentists and facilities: Look them up on DocFind® before you go. In network means you pay less.
Compare costs of care – Find out how much you’ll pay and compare costs for different doctors and facilities on Member Payment Estimator. It’s easy to make the most of your health care dollars.
View your statements online – Look up your Explanation of Benefits (EOBs). See what the doctor charged, what your plan paid and what you owe. This helps you plan future expenses.
You can find these tools on your Aetna secure member website at www.aetna.com.